The Ocean Shores Fire Department, in conjunction with the City’s Beautification Committee, is launching the “Adopt-a-Hydrant” program, which is intended to produce colorful and artistic fire hydrants throughout the downtown and commercial areas, and offers $600 in cash prizes for the top three painted plugs.
The program is open to any resident who would like to adopt and paint an existing hydrant. The cost of adopting a hydrant is $25, and applications are available May 20 through June 1 at the OSFD Fire Station, 585 Pt. Brown Ave NW. Painting is to be done in the month of June and winners will be determined by a judging committee. Painted hydrants will be featured on the City’s website.
The City’s 2019-2020 budget set aside $6,500 per year for an Ocean Shores Beautification Committee. Chairperson Patricia Wright said the committee decided to put up the $600 in prize money after the hydrant painting project was first suggested by committee member and artist Judy Horn.
Wright said people will soon begin to notice another big project when local artist Michael Bedford leads a group that will paint a large mural on the Ocean Shores Senior Center, the first of multiple new murals around town. They are also working on decorative plantings and resurrecting the huge driftwood seahorse sculpture on Chance a la Mer Blvd. in front of the Ocean Shores Convention Center, that has twice been knocked down by high winds.
OSFD Inspector Curt Begley is in charge of the Fire Department’s end of the Adopt-a-Hydrant project. His press release explained to residents the City’s goals and guidelines for the endeavor:
“This is an opportunity for you to add some beauty to our community by using your creativity and talents to paint our fire hydrants to resemble whatever you can imagine, within reason.
“We would ask that only positive and uplifting images be painted on the hydrants, and that bright colors be used.
“Our goal is to provide a positive image of our community for our tourists and our neighbors.”
Inspector Begley can answer any questions at 360-289-3611 ex 7587 or 360-986-0167.