Story Time
Saturdays: May 4, 11, 18, 25; 10:30-11 a.m. Books, rhymes, interactive stories, songs and fun. Ages birth-5. Presented by Niko.
Teen Zone
Saturday May 4, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. The meeting room is a “teen zone” for teen’s grades 7-12. They are invited to hang out and enjoy snacks in a safe, comfortable environment. The Teen Zone is sponsored by the Friends of the Library and the Baha’is of Ocean Shores provide nutritious snacks.
Teen Advisory Board
Saturday May 4, 3-4 p.m. The Teen Advisory Board is made up of local 7-12 grade students who want to be active in their community and make a difference. The TAB helps plan teen programs, pick new teen materials, advocate for young adults.
Brick Builders
Thursday May 9, 3:44-4:45 p.m. A program intended to encourage imagination. Elementary age children are invited to the library after school to have fun building all sorts of things with those colorful plastic bricks everyone loves.
Friends of the Library
Book Sale
Friday May 10, 2-5 p.m.; Saturday May 11 9 a.m- 3 p.m. Books of all genres will be available for purchase. Most at 2/$1. Proceeds support library programs for all ages.
There is an ongoing, honor system book sale during all library open hours in the library meeting room.
Quilt Display
The Eyes Have It! Look of an eye or two in every cut piece. Stack and Whack cutting techniques. Vibrant colors. Created by Karen Thorpe Walters
Art in the Library
Cambodia, the Wild, Wild West, by Ed Schroll. Travel with through the lens of photographer Ed Schroll into the lives of the people of Cambodia. Look into the joys and struggles of everyday life. It is a place of dreams and beauty, where new hope is found in the face of every child. A country where family is everything, but basic needs like clean water and education are still a challenge. Cambodia is a colorful country with amazing people. Also, join Ed on Saturday June 1 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. for refreshments and conversation. Take a photographic journey through the eyes of photographer Ed Schroll into Cambodia’s diverse culture.
Lobby Display
Madame Alexander Dolls
Book A Techie
Need computer help? Need to read a downloadable book? 30-minute face-to-face session. One week advanced registration and a current up-to-date Ocean Shores Library card is required. Appointments will be confirmed and are subject to the Techie’s availability and knowledge. Techie cannot help with hardware problems.