Hydrant flushing
The Ocean Shores Water Department will be flushing fire hydrants in the northwestern and northeastern areas of the city in May. Work will be conducted from W. Chance A La Mer to Damon Road on April 30 and May 1, from E. Rain St. NE to Albatross St. NE on May 14-15, and from Albatross St. NE to Pearsall St. NE on May 28-29. It is common for flushing activities to stir up sediment in the water lines surrounding the work areas. The city recommends that you do not use hot water during the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on the days shown above. If you experience discoloration of your water, please run the COLD water tap for a few minutes until it clears. If you must use hot water during flushing operations, the city strongly recommends flushing your hot water tank after our operations are complete. A map of the work area can be viewed at www.osgov.com. If you have any questions or require additional information contact 289-4210 or email at mtobert@osgov.com.
Roadside cleanup
The citizen-sponsored roadside trash cleanup in Ocean Shores will be May 4-5, with the coordination and drop-off at North Bay Park on E. Chance a La Mer at Albatross St. Hours are 8 a.m.-3 p.m. both days. The city will be providing support and coordination of collection, and other sponsors are IGA, McDonald’s (providing food vouchers at the drop-off site), and the Ocean Shores/North Beach Chamber of Commerce. Bags are available at North Bay Park, and area leads are needed along with pick-up trucks to collect from area around the city. Contact Suzanne Henderson, (425) 780-9577.
Stage West Theatre
Tickets are now available for the spring Stage West Community Theatre production of Alice in Wonderland, adapted by Michele L. Vacca and based on the Lewis Carroll classic fantasies. At the Ocean Shores Lions Club, 832 Ocean Shores Blvd. NW. Performances are May 3, 4, 10, 11, all at 7 p.m. Matinee performances are May 5 and May 12 at 2 p.m. Tickets are available online at www.stagewestcommunitytheatre.org, at the door or at the Dusty Trunk and Mocha Madness. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for students.
Spring Craft Fair
Artists and craftsmen from around the Olympic Peninsula will be featured at the annual Spring Craft Fair and Bake Sale hosted by the Lake Quinault Community Circle on Saturday, May 18. The fair will be held at the Lake Quinault School, 6130 U.S Highway 101 in Amanda Park, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. On display will be hand-crafted jewelry, woodwork, arts, photography, gifts, and crafts reflective of the Pacific Northwest. Wild honey and home-made baked goods will also be for sale. The Lake Quinault Community Circle is a non-profit group of volunteers dedicated to helping people in need and bringing the community together. For more information, contact Angela Sowards at 360-640-8953 or e-mail at sowardsangela@gmail.com
• North Beach Senior Resource Center and the Olympic Area Agency on Aging are open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; and have health insurance information and an assistance specialist available every Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Ocean Shores United Methodist Church, 557 Point Brown Ave. NW.
• Community Voices meets to discuss local issues on Thursdays at the North Beach Senior Center, 885 Ocean Shores Blvd. from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
• Answers for All (AFA) meets Wednesdays at 10 a.m. at the Ocean Shores Elks Lodge, 199 Ocean Lake Way SE. Join for coffee and conversation about Ocean Shores, the North Beach and the county.
• The Coastal Interpretive Center, 1033 Catala Ave SE, Ocean Shores, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily through the summer: www.interpretivecenter.org
• North Beach Genealogical Society meets every third Monday of each month at the Ocean Shores Library.
• Ocean Shores Friends of the Library (FOL) meets the second Monday each month in the library meeting room at 573 Point Brown Ave. NW at 2 p.m.
• Toastmasters Club No. 3942026, North Beach Speech Masters meets regularly on Thursdays from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, 199 Ocean Lake Way SE.
• Bingo at the Elks: Ocean Shores/North Beach Elks Lodge No. 2581 hosts every Sunday at 1:30 p.m., with lunch at noon; 199 Ocean Lake Way SE, 360-289-2581.
• Ocean Shores Lions Club meets at noon on the second and fourth Thursdays in the Lions Club building, 832 Ocean Shores Blvd. NW.
• Ocean Shores Kiwanis meet the first and third Tuesdays of the month at noon at Alec’s by the Sea, 131 E. Chance a la Mer NE.
• North Beach Senior Center and Thrift Store is at 885 Ocean Shores Blvd. Lunch is served Monday through Saturday 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; breakfast on Sundays from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
• Ocean Shores Food Bank at 848 Anchor Ave. NW provides food on the first and third Thursday of every month, from 1:30-5 p.m. To make arrangements for transportation or food delivery, call Diane at (425) 922-3596 or Galilean Lutheran Church, (360) 289-3313. Emergency food available Monday-Saturday at Anchor Avenue Thrift Store.
• The Copalis Community Church Food Bank is at 3140 State Route 109. Open every Wednesday from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.
• VFW 8956 of the North Beach meets at 6 p.m. on the first Monday of the month at 953 Trent Court SE, Ocean Shores.
• Women Helping Women – Women sharing resources, information, support and friendship – meets at noon on the second Friday of each month at the Shilo Inn on the fourth floor. No-host lunch and speaker Call 360-289-3880
• Ocean Shores’ Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) meets Wednesdays at 4:45 p.m. at the Ocean Shores Library.
• Bridge sessions weekly in Ocean Shores: Duplicate Bridge is on Mondays at 12:30 p.m. Party Bridge is on Tuesdays at noon. For information: 360-289-2327.